solstice ⟨⟩ equinox

Join us on the land at Succurro for a Seasonal Feast — honoring our relations with the human and more-than human beings present at the zenith of the sun, and at the turning between light and dark.

Feasts: Feeding Trickster

Gathering at the Solstice and Equinox with a Feast is a celebration and food offering to the forces all around and within that nurture, sustain and make life possible. The Feast Table is an unbroken thread — where all beings gather to be nourished and sustained.

A Feast is a meal that comes at a particular moment — celebrating a season, a special event, a particular gathering together. A Feast is a magnified expression of the daily meal — and all meals, all eating brings into sharp focus that we must eat to live, and that our life literally depends on the nourishment that the earth, our environment, our ecosystem provides.

These moments are particular turning points that mark the beginning, ending, and transitioning of seasons: the zenith of the sun; the turning between light and dark; the depth of radiant dark; the return of light. The rest of the year we are fully in the flow of life unfolding; these particular moments give pause. The Feast Table emerges into focus out of this ongoing flow — the land expressing as seasonal fruit, flower, and animal, in a moment that stands still.

Marking these particular moments with the ritual of the Feast, we visibly and out loud acknowledge our relations with the human and more-than-human beings present. We honor our bonds with all that came before, all that is present, all that is to come. We acknowledge our inherent interconnectedness — a felt sense that may sometimes feel absent, but which is always present.

Inviting Trickster to the Table

This year’s Seasonal Feasts are a ritual response dedicated to coming into relationship with Trickster: the ongoing forces of transformation, flow, change.

At these Feasts, we invite our nurturing more-than-human relations to join us at the table and break bread with us. We will have the opportunity to co-create a communal altar to feed and nourish the land and our relations. We will feed and nourish ourselves — and by nourishing ourselves, we nourish them. We acknowledge Trickster as our relative. We give Trickster a meal: Trickster, whose appetite for life drives life — and culture. We give these animating forces, whose hunger has been ignored for some time, a place to sit, a cup of water, a plate of food — and companionship by the fire.

first photo by @omnoculus
last photo by